New year, new website again

As is tradtion for me I seem to throw away and start random blog type things, but the trial this time is mostly I don’t want to pay more for it than I did, so am going for a free type Github Pages affair using the Jekyll Now repository. So onwards with the marketing hype;

I am an avid boardgamer and general geek, with a keen interest in pretty much anything that I can sink my teeth into, but mostly I am a software developer. Currently I am working for the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, a UK government arms length body and this have given me the ample oppertunity to get involved with some fairly large projects.

Right now though I am getting involved with Earth Observation and its use in the environment. One day I may even be able to actively talk about what Earth Observation is but for now, my life mostly revolves around making the huge datasets coming from the ESA Sentinels available and getting products out that people can actually use before we get discovered by the men upstairs and stopped from being helpful.

Written on January 25, 2020